Padrão Preservation Solutions

our products

VpCI® Films and Bags


VpCI® films are used for many applications including
shipping, storage, and work-in-progress (WIP) corrosion
protection for metal parts and other components. VpCI®
films are available in a variety of sizes and styles
depending on the needs of the application.

Multifunctional Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitors (VpCI ),
recommended for all packaging needs.

Films range from general use polyethylene film to shrink
wrap, stretchable, or reinforced constructions.

VpCI® Emitters /Moisture Absorber


VpCI® emitters are used to protect metal from
corrosion in enclosed spaces. This can range from
shipping and storage of parts to protection of
installed components and electronics in enclosed
spaces. VpCI®-130 series foam and BioPad are
available in custom sizes for protection from small to
large volumes. VpCI®-308 pouch is recommended for
larger volumes.

Recommended for packaged and stored electrical

VpCI® Cleaners & Rust Removers


Rust preventatives require a clean surface in order to
function to their full effectiveness. Cleaners are used to
remove oils, greases, dirt, and other contamination that
can interfere with rust preventatives. Rust removers can
be used to clean and prepare rusted surfaces for further
protection and should always be followed with a cleaning
and rinsing step using a VpCI®-41x series cleaner.

An organic and biodegradable base chemicals that
remove oxide and tarnish from many metals. These
formulations replace harsh acids.

Non-toxic, and non-flammable use for many applications

VpCI® Rust Preventatives


Rust preventatives offer a wide variety of options for
corrosion protection in many different environments and
applications. Products may be categorized by their product
type (oil-based, solvent-based, or water-based), their film
type (thin and dry, oily, or thick), and by their
recommended protection environment (indoors – storage
and shipping, harsh indoor or sheltered outdoor, or
outdoors and other harsh environments). All products may
be applied via brush, spray, or dip methods.

VpCI® Preservation Products


Our range of preservation liquid products are used in a
variety of systems to protect ferrous and nonferrous
metals from corrosive solutions, provide long-term Vapor
phase Corrosion Inhibitors protection during operations,
long periods of shut down or non- operation.



All coatings deliver exceptional protection against
humidity, saltwater, and oxidizing atmospheres,
even in extreme corrosive outdoor industrial,
marine, or tropical environments. Cortec® offers
a broad range of high-quality, innovative,
environmentally safe coatings. Choosing the
correct products type of protection needed for
short or long term, metal to protect, exposure
“indoor or outdoor”. All products may be applied
via spray, dip or brush.

CorroLogic® CUI Inhibitor


CUI inhibitor provides long-lasting benefits such as
decreased maintenance cost, reduced downtime for
repair and replacement and overall increase safety by
preventing catastrophic failures related to corrosion.
Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitors in the products enable
CorroLogic ® CUI inhibitor to be injected into new or
existing insulation on pipes allowing to migrate through
the insulation to protect metal surfaces below, protects
in wet and dry cycles, and long lasting.

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